Ruby Pendant
The gem of love


Ruby Earrings

Ravishing Rubies

Ruby is one nature’s most marvelous masterpieces. Its place throughout history is deep-rooted and respected. It’s referenced in the Bible, adorned royalty for centuries, and for a period of time rubies were considered to be even more valuable than diamonds. Ruby is a gem of love, energy, passion and power.

Rubies Countries of Origin

Country of Origin

For centuries, Burma has been known for producing some of the finest rubies available. However, with advancements in mining, other equally stunning rubies are being discovered in Thailand, Africa, Sri Lanka and recently Mozambique. 

2022 Lookbook Digital Issue

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Diamonds, gemstones and timepieces are more than just the tangible– they are feelings and memories. They are a way to wear the moment and are designed to be a real expression of love and accomplishment. Our jewelry is not only beautiful, but it is made to be worn and become a part of you and your life.  We invite you to explore our lookbook and hope that  you will be just as inspired as us by what you see!

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