Wixon Jewelers in Minneapolis, MN

Rule Breaker, Dream Maker

Diamond ring, mold, and sketches

Rules are made to be broken, aren’t they? Chances are your mother wore her same simply lovely band for decades without giving a new piece a second thought. The sentiment behind the jewel hasn’t changed but our options certainly have evolved. Upgrading an original center diamond, wearing an engagement ring without a wedding band, or even choosing a larger diamond to be worn on the right hand instead of the left are all new outlooks for today’s women that were once considered “against the rules.” Other exciting options include fancy shapes and colors, or perhaps forgoing a traditional ring and wearing an eternity band that costs more than a two-carat diamond. Monumental anniversaries, milestone life moments, new love or simply a wish for a fresh design to celebrate a new chapter in life—jewelry commemorates all of those occasions and then some. Whether it’s redesigning a beloved original or choosing the piece you’ve always dreamed of wearing, it’s okay to break the rules and let a little new sparkle celebrate the sentiment!

Break the Rules:

LARGER DIAMONDS ON THE RIGHT HAND: After years together, changing an original engagement ring can be impossible to imagine. Choose to celebrate long-term love with a larger diamond on the right hand instead! 366712-1FANCY SHAPES IN FANCY COLORS: New shapes and colors of diamonds are creating a blingy buzz for many. Gone are the days of limited options; there are now a variety of shapes in a rainbow of hues to suit women of all ages. Fancy Color Diamond RingDIAMOND ETERNITY BANDS: Effortless doesn’t always have to be understated. Large and luxurious diamond eternity bands are quickly becoming a stunning alternative to the conventional engagement ring. 072315-1CENTER DIAMOND UPGRADES: The evolution of a wedding ring over a lifetime often involves upgrading the original piece. Resetting the original diamond, trading it in or using it as part of a new design are all modern ways to commemorate the past while celebrating the future! LooseDiamonds

From Dreams to Reality

Our custom design studio has become the ultimate destination for Minnesotans to transform the style of their most treasured jewelry pieces. The capabilities of our highly-skilled designers and goldsmiths range from simple restorations to elaborate and extensive complete redesigns. If you have a vision of something you would like to create, we have the in-house expertise to bring your dream into reality. Our goldsmiths are truly local artisans at work, with the ability to craft the most complicated and intricate custom jewelry designs from a single sketch. Our experts can suggest ideas, provide sketches, create wax molds and finish custom pieces for new designs or loved family heirlooms. Our goldsmiths view each piece as a labor of love. The time and care given during our custom process is reflected in every finished detail. As life progresses, your personal style and desires evolve, and so too should your jewelry collection. Let us help you create the piece you’ve always dreamed of!


» View: Our Custom Jewelry

» Read About: Fancy Shaped Diamonds

» Read About: Engagement Ring Trends

JESSICA from Wixon Jewelers Jessica is our resident fashionista-in-chief and more formally our Diamond Department Manager. Helping guide our clients through life’s big milestones by helping them find the perfect piece of jewelry to last a lifetime is what she loves best! She is a Graduate Gemologist who has been infatuated with jewelry since she was a little girl, spending countless hours at her grandmother’s jewelry store. Have questions? Just Ask Jessica!

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