Wixon Jewelers in Minneapolis, MN

Custom Creation: Burmese Ruby Ring

Ruby ring

Ruby is one of nature’s most marvelous masterpieces.  Its place throughout history is deep-rooted and respected.  It’s referenced in the bible, adorned royalty for centuries, and for a period of time was considered to be even more valuable than diamonds.  Ruby is a gem of love, energy, passion, and power.


It is one of the most important colored gemstones on the market, and can command the highest per-carat price of any colored stone.  Once a Ruby reaches even only one carat in size, it becomes exponentially more rare and valuable.  Those that love big and large statement pieces will be hard-pressed to achieve the look with a Ruby.  Its color speaks much louder than soft and delicate hued gems, still making a large statement in more subtle size.


When we look to add a Ruby to our collection, the color is everything.  The finest color of a Ruby is described as “pigeon’s blood”, which is a bright and brilliant hued fiery red.  Although not the most romantic description, it is actually one recognized around the world for countless years as the standard of perfection.  For centuries, Burma has been known for producing the finest rubies available with other sources coming from Thailand, Africa and Ceylon.


Our most recent addition to our Wixon Custom collection is a stunning 4.03 carat certified Burmese cushion cut Ruby ring.  When looking at this gem, it’s easy to see why Ruby is considered the king of gems.  A color as strong as this truly is a power statement.  Set entirely in platinum, it’s also a ring design that is meant to last generations.  The center gem is beautifully paired with two matched pear shape diamonds.  The pear shape is soft, feminine, and the perfect complement to the passionate Ruby. Burma Ruby Ring What’s most impressive about this piece is the sheer size and color of the Ruby.  When a one carat is considered above average, a four carat becomes incredibly difficult to obtain.  The richness of the color of this Ruby is what collectors and gem enthusiasts search for, and what makes this ring nearly impossible to resist!


» See our newest creation, the Burmese Ruby Ring

» Read about Rubies in our Gemstone Guide

» Browse our collection of Ruby Jewelry

JESSICA from Wixon Jewelers Jessica is our resident fashionista-in-chief and more formally our Diamond Department Manager. Helping guide our clients through life’s big milestones by helping them find  the perfect piece of jewelry  to last a lifetime is what she loves best! She is a Graduate Gemologist who has been infatuated with jewelry since she was a little girl, spending countless hours at her grandmother’s jewelry store.

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